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SEO Tips

Report Predicts Growth of Search Industry in 2011

The SEO industry is wholly dependent upon the success of the search engine industry in general. Without the success of companies like Bing and Google, search engine optimization ceases to be a useful industry. SEO professionals depend upon the growth of the popularity of search, plain and simple. Luckily, there is some good news coming out of a JP Morgan report.

The company predicts that Americans will conduct up to 12 percent more searches over the course of the next 12 months. B2B firms that focus on international clients may be even more fortunate, as J.P. Morgan anticipates global search rates will improve 19 percent year-over-year.
This represents significant growth–if the JP Morgan report is correct, then the industry will grow by leaps and bounds, which will only serve to make search engine optimization more important in the long run.
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