Philippine police have arrested the offender recently through Facebook. Nayajanake three foreigners accused of the murder of Mark Dijon offender has been arrested in the city of San Francisco. City police chief, said Batista denilo, Dijon has a facebook address, the formula has been detained him. Him with a former girlfriend, but the Dijon had published several photos on Facebook, which has helped the police to catch him. After several consecutive kill off Dijon had about using your facebook address. However, with his girlfriend out of the picture taken at the end of the investigation, was arrested by police and Dijon.
In addition to those killed in Dijon are, quite a few pictures of them with an Albert Mitchell is on Facebook. He took pictures of Dijon, with whom, in their addresses to the success of the police work. Dijon, who died at the hands, they were all retired, and quite popular in the area. If the offender is found in seeing the picture through Facebook, which abides by police authorities to achieve greater utilization of technologies. Sangrahe trackbd004
In addition to those killed in Dijon are, quite a few pictures of them with an Albert Mitchell is on Facebook. He took pictures of Dijon, with whom, in their addresses to the success of the police work. Dijon, who died at the hands, they were all retired, and quite popular in the area. If the offender is found in seeing the picture through Facebook, which abides by police authorities to achieve greater utilization of technologies. Sangrahe trackbd004
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